Calculating Similarities: Normalizing Values

Next you normalize the values by subtracting the mean for that gene and then dividing it by the standard deviation.

For example, Gene A–Sample 1 becomes:

(0.602 − 0.305) ÷ 0.254 = 1.167

The normalized data
Gene A Gene B Gene C Gene D
Sample 1 1.166744 0.099756 −0.53475 −0.49276
Sample 2 −0.01659 −0.39902 1.074453 0.075694
Sample 3 0.938726 1.649106 −0.93956 1.885779
Sample 4 −0.50801 −1.4496 −0.93956 −0.49276
Sample 5 −1.58087 0.099756 1.339419 −0.97595