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Partitioning by Space

The map shows the GPS location data. Make a claim about whether any of the four herbivore species forage in different areas of the park and therefore partition niches spatially. (There is no wrong or right answer, but you should be able to support your claim with evidence.)

The map key indicates that diamonds represent Cape buffalo, circles represent dik-dik, x's represent Grevy's zebra, and plus signs represent impala. The symbols for all four types of animals are clustered along the right-hand side of the map and in the lower part, largely in woodland areas. Four dik-dik, an impala, and a Cape buffalo are scattered in the upper part of the map. The impala and one dik-dik are in the savanna area and the Cape buffalo and the other three dik-diks are in woodland. Two impalas and a Cape buffalo appear in isolated spots in the central part of the map in a woodland area. The map key indicates that diamonds represent Cape buffalo, circles represent dik-dik, x's represent Grevy's zebra, and plus signs represent impala. The symbols for all four types of animals are clustered along the right-hand side of the map and in the lower part, largely in woodland areas. Four dik-dik, an impala, and a Cape buffalo are scattered in the upper part of the map. The impala and one dik-dik are in the savanna area and the Cape buffalo and the other three dik-diks are in woodland. Two impalas and a Cape buffalo appear in isolated spots in the central part of the map in a woodland area.
Locations of animal observations

Map Key
diamond  Cape Buffalo
circle  Dik-Dik
x  Grevy's Zebra
plus sign  Impala


Your answers

Hint for answer A: If different species are partitioning niches spatially, your map may look something like this. The map shows four large nonoverlapping clusters of symbols. Each cluster consists of one type of animal and none of the others.

Hint for answer B: If different species are not partitioning niches spatially, your map may look more like this. The map shows all four types of animals scattered evenly throughout the entire park.

In the space below, justify your claim above using evidence.