The Niche Partitioning Interactive can be completed in two 50-minute or one 90-minute class periods.

The concepts of competitive exclusion and niche partitioning are fundamental to the study of ecology and community dynamics. These concepts are addressed in all major biology, ecology and environmental science courses, including pre-AP, AP, IB, and through national and state aligned NGSS standards. The biotechnology application allows for a wide range of implementation strategies.

Key Concepts:

Module 1 Learning Targets:

Module 2 Learning Targets:

Suggestions for Classroom Implementation:

The data that students collect and analyze comes from a study conducted by Dr. Robert Pringle’s lab at Princeton University. (Tyler R. Kartzinel, Patricia A. Chen, Tyler C. Coverdale, David L. Erickson, W. John Kress, Maria L. Kuzmina, Daniel I. Rubenstein, Wei Wang, and Robert M. Pringle. DNA metabarcoding illuminates dietary niche partitioning by African large herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.112: 8019-8024, 2015.)

This spreadsheet of the data used in this interactive includes the barcode sequence and plant classification as grass or browse for each plant species. Plant species present in a sample are marked as 1, and species absent are marked as 0.