Save or Resume
Saving Your Progress on a Single Computer or Tablet
If you are using a shared computer or your browser deletes cookies after a session, please follow the Progress File instructions below.
If you plan to work on this lab either at home or at school, always using the same computer, progress will be saved automatically as you move through the lab, in the browser and computer you are using.
You can exit the lab any time and when you return to the lab on the same browser and computer, you will be prompted to "Resume" or "Start Over." Resuming will return you to the last step you were on, and your quiz answers are also remembered.
You may review your progress at any time by going to the Progress tab.
Progress File: Saving Your Progress Across Multiple Computers or Tablets
If you plan to work on this lab using different devices (e.g., school and home), you can save your progress to a file and resume your work on another device or browser.
Save your progress to a file
Enter a file name in the field below, or use the one provided, then press the "Save" button.
Restore your progress from a file
Use "Select File" to load your progress file, then press the "Restore and Resume" button to be returned to the last step you were on in the lab.