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Partitioning by Food

For each animal, you recorded whether it was eating grass or browse. Based on the data shown in the table, make a claim about whether different species mostly feed on grass or browse and might partition niches by the types of plants they eat.

Category of plant eaten by different animals. Each tally mark indicates an animal that was observed eating grass or browse. Keep in mind that each plant category includes many different species of plants.
Animal Grass Browse

1 19

Grevy's zebra
18 2

5 13

Cape Buffalo
9 6


Your answers
Hint for answer A: If animals feed on different plant types, the table might look similar to the one below. Although there is some overlap, the diets of at least one pair of species are distinct.
Animal Grass Browse
Dik-dik 0 20
Grevy's zebra 20 0
Impala 5 15
Cape Buffalo 15 5
Hint for answer B: If animals feed on different plant types, the table might look similar to the one below. Although there is some overlap, the diets of at least one pair of species are distinct.
Animal Grass Browse
Dik-dik 15 5
Grevy's zebra 15 4
Impala 10 7
Cape Buffalo 10 6

In the space below, justify your claim above using evidence.