
After completing these two case studies, how would you answer the two questions you were asked at the start of the interactive.

  • Can a test determine an individual’s biological sex?
  • Can testosterone produced by an athlete’s own body provide an “unfair” advantage?

Eligibility requirements for female athletes continue to change from year to year and may vary depending on the type of sport and event.

Dutee Chand with hand raised in a victory sign

Dutee Chand

Biological sex

Biological sex is defined by an individual’s combination of chromosomes, hormone levels, internal and external reproductive anatomy, and sex characteristics. It is usually treated as a binary trait: female or male. Biological sex is different from gender, which is based on social and cultural ideas of what it means to be a woman or man. Gender identity refers to an individual’s concept of who they are. Gender identity does not always match biological sex.