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How Can the Amount of Lactase Be Reduced?

Any step in the eukaryotic gene expression pathway can potentially be regulated to reduce gene expression. Click on the letters A to D to find out how.

Transcriptional Regulation RNA Processing Translational Regulation Protein Processing and Degradation
A diagram depicting the steps in the transcription and translation of the L-C-T gene that produce lactase. Various parts are labeled A, B, C, and D.
A diagram of a circle inside a larger oval. Inside the circle is a double-stranded red helix with irregularly spaced green squares superimposed on it. The helix is labeled L-C-T gene. A downward pointing arrow labeled Transcription appears below the helix. The arrow is marked with the letter A. It points to a single strand of the helix in red with the same sequence of green squares superimposed on it. A downward pointing arrow labeled R-N-A Splicing appears below the strand. The arrow is marked with the letter B. It points to a red rectangle made up of the red segments of the previous strand with an orange ball attached to the left-hand side. An arrow below it labeled Export points downward across the outer edge of the circle into the interior space of the oval. The arrow points to another copy of the red rectangle and orange ball with a right-pointing arrow to the right of it labeled Translation. The arrow is marked with the letter C. It points to an irregularly shaped, two-part mass consisting of various multi-colored loops and spirals. The mass is labeled Lactase and marked with the letter D.

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