This case study is based on a short video that presents the approaches scientists used to identify a mutation that causes retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in a patient. RP is a progressive visual disease that results in the deterioration of the retina and loss of vision. The case study is designed for students to work on individually or in small groups. As students watch the video, they are prompted to answer a number of embedded questions at selected time points. After students complete the case study, they will be able to view their answers and add to their written explanations if their thinking has changed.

The video can also be shown to the class in “Presentation Mode,” which does not contain embedded questions. The video will stop at selected time points to allow for class discussion. Access to Presentation Mode is available under the “Help” tab.

The “Educator Resources” tab provides additional background information, discussion questions, and definitions of key terms.



Melissa Csikari, HHMI
J. Phil Gibson, PhD, University of Oklahoma
Annie Prud’homme-Généreux, PhD, Capilano University

Design and Development

Bill Pietsch, A3MG
Davey Thomas, A3MG

Version 1.3
Updated on 09/02/20