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General Transcription Factors

A diagram of a general transcription factor, an R-N-A polymerase, a promoter, and a gene.
A diagram of two irregular shapes with lumpy surfaces. The shape on the left is red and is labeled General transcription factor. The one on the right is yellow and is labeled R-N-A polymerase. Below the two shapes is a red double helix extending horizontally beyond the two shapes on either side. The segment directly below the red shape is shaded blue and labeled Promoter. The rest of the length of the helix starting below the yellow shape and extending to the right is shaded yellow and is labeled Gene.

In eukaryotes, transcription is regulated by many proteins called transcription factors.

One type—general transcription factors—binds to the promoter region of the gene and facilitates the binding of the RNA polymerase enzyme that catalyzes DNA transcription.