Viral Outbreak: The Science of Emerging Disease

Lecture 1 – Dengue Fever: Breaking Epidemic Cycles

by Eva Harris, PhD

  1.  1.  Start of Lecture 1
  2.  2.  Welcome by HHMI President Dr. Robert Tjian
  3.  3.  Profile of Dr. Eva Harris
  4.  4.  Dr. Harris first visited Nicaragua right after college
  5.  5.  What is dengue fever?
  6.  6.  Video: Managua: Rapid, Unplanned Urbanization
  7.  7.  Dengue virus and vectors
  8.  8.  Most dengue cases are asymptomatic
  9.  9.  Rapid global spread of dengue
  10. 10.  Animation: Dengue Fever Re-emergence in the Americas
  11. 11.  Multiple types of dengue virus
  12. 12.  Causes of dengue re-emergence
  13. 13.  The immune response and severe dengue
  14. 14.  A broad-based public health research approach
  15. 15.  Pediatric cohort study to track dengue epidemics
  16. 16.  Cohort study detects symptomatic and asymptomatic infections
  17. 17.  Q&A: Would disease severity be worse if infected by all four serotypes?
  18. 18.  Q&A: Would a live or a dead vaccine be better?
  19. 19.  Q&A: Who funds your research programs?
  20. 20.  Q&A: Is global warming helping spread dengue to the United States?
  21. 21.  Spread of mosquito vector, spread of dengue
  22. 22.  Large-scale mosquito control programs
  23. 23.  Video: The Mosquito Life Cycle
  24. 24.  Community-based mosquito education strategies
  25. 25.  Video: Mosquito Vector Education Program in Nicaragua
  26. 26.  Top-down and bottom-up approaches to mosquito control
  27. 27.  A community-based mosquito control program
  28. 28.  Measuring the effectiveness of community-based programs
  29. 29.  Reduction of mosquito vectors by community-based programs
  30. 30.  Building sustainable local capacity for vector control
  31. 31.  Video: Health Brigades in Managua's Neighborhoods
  32. 32.  Video: Mosquito Reggaeton, a Dengue Rap Song
  33. 33.  Q&A: Does dengue fever only spread through mosquito vectors?
  34. 34.  Q&A: What protects children who are infected but remain asymptomatic?
  35. 35.  Q&A: Would putting screens in windows solve the problem?
  36. 36.  Q&A: Do dengue symptoms differ between infants and adults?
  37. 37.  Q&A: How is dengue coming to the US? We don't use water barrels.
  38. 38.  Q&A: Is dengue a rural problem?
  39. 39.  Q&A: How do you control larvae if you can't afford to dump water?
  40. 40.  Q&A: Q&A: Are elderly people at greater risk from dengue?
  41. 41.  Closing remarks by HHMI President Dr. Robert Tjian

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