Evolution: Fossils, Genes, and Mousetraps


by Kenneth R. Miller, PhD

  1.  1.  Preamble: Kenneth Miller
  2.  2.  Evolution controversy
  3.  3.  Is evolution a theory?
  4.  4.  Evolution is central to biology
  5.  5.  Evolution: The 30-second version
  6.  6.  Living forms change
  7.  7.  Fossils and living species
  8.  8.  Natural selection
  9.  9.  New species arising now
  10. 10.  Fossils and whale evolution
  11. 11.  Fossils and fish to tetrapods
  12. 12.  Fossil record for humans
  13. 13.  Molecular evolution: Chimps and humans
  14. 14.  Q&A: How do you reconcile your religion with evolution?
  15. 15.  Q&A: How are chromosomes numbered?
  16. 16.  Q&A: Are humans still evolving?
  17. 17.  Q&A: Could another species displace humans?
  18. 18.  Q&A: Did fused chromosomes make humans a species?
  19. 19.  Dover, PA evolution trial
  20. 20.  Dover trial makes The Daily Show
  21. 21.  What is "Intelligent Design?"
  22. 22.  Bacterial flagella: Not irreducibly complex
  23. 23.  Blood-clotting factors: Not irreducibly complex
  24. 24.  Mouse trap analogy
  25. 25.  "Intelligent design" is religious doctrine
  26. 26.  Science and new ideas
  27. 27.  Ken Miller on The Colbert Report
  28. 28.  Q&A: Why have mammals evolved to be smaller?
  29. 29.  Q&A: When will the evolution debate end?
  30. 30.  Q&A: What is the origin of DNA?
  31. 31.  Q&A: How is information added during evolution?
  32. 32.  Q&A: Is there a "God" gene?
  33. 33.  Q&A: What about pan-spermia or exogenesis?
  34. 34.  Q&A: Will evolutionary breakthroughs continue?
  35. 35.  Q&A: Is evolutionary change predictable?
  36. 36.  Q&A: Do you believe in eugenics?
  37. 37.  Q&A: How can life come from inanimate matter?

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