Science of Fat

Lecture 3 – Balancing the Fat Equation

by Ronald M. Evans, PhD

  1.  1.  Start of Lecture 3
  2.  2.  Introduction by HHMI President Dr. Thomas Cech
  3.  3.  Introductory interview with Dr. Ronald Evans
  4.  4.  Review of Lecture Two and a look at models of fat and muscle
  5.  5.  Fat molecule can act as a hormone
  6.  6.  Two types of hormone action: At the membrane and at the nucleus
  7.  7.  Examples of nuclear hormone receptors
  8.  8.  PPAR receptors act as nuclear fat sensors
  9.  9.  Functions of PPAR-gamma
  10. 10.  Animation: PPAR-gamma activation in the fat cell
  11. 11.  Fat tissue in an obese person has an imbalance of hormones
  12. 12.  PPAR-gamma can reverse insulin resistance
  13. 13.  Q&A: Is there any advantage to storing fat in one area?
  14. 14.  Q&A: Can you use PPAR-gamma to cure diabetes?
  15. 15.  Q&A: Can you develop a tolerance to the PPAR-gamma drug?
  16. 16.  Q&A: Does saturated fat not bind to PPARs?
  17. 17.  The U.S. is three billion pounds overweight
  18. 18.  Science may be able to change appetite and energy expenditure
  19. 19.  Can we use PPAR-delta to increase metabolism?
  20. 20.  Two types of muscle fibers: Fast twitch and slow twitch
  21. 21.  Animation: PPAR-delta activation in the muscle cell
  22. 22.  Increasing PPAR-delta activity increases slow-twitch fiber numbers
  23. 23.  Can revving up PPAR-delta cause a mouse to run better?
  24. 24.  Video: PPAR-delta mouse on a treadmill
  25. 25.  PPAR-delta mouse: A remarkable example of an engineered runner
  26. 26.  PPAR-delta protects against obesity even without special exercise
  27. 27.  Are you ready for the future?
  28. 28.  Q&A: Are people more sensitive to insulin after exercise?
  29. 29.  Q&A: Are there side effects from the PPAR-delta drug?
  30. 30.  Q&A: How quickly does the PPAR-delta drug take effect?
  31. 31.  Q&A: Can you affect the repressor proteins of the PPAR system?
  32. 32.  Closing remarks by HHMI President Dr. Thomas Cech

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